Primary Services
AltaView offers the following family law forensics, litigation, and valuation services:
Identification of marital assets
Preparation of discovery requests
Tracing and characterization of a spouse’s separate property estate
Calculations related to potential reimbursement, reconstitution, and other equitable claims in compliance with family law statutes
Forensic accounting analysis and investigation
Valuation of closely held companies
Valuation analysis related to other marital assets such as retirement and stock-based compensation plans
Assistance as a financial neutral in the collaborative family law process
Preparation of expert reports
Review and rebuttal of opposing expert opinions
Assistance in mediation and settlement negotiations, including analysis of potential tax considerations
Expert witness testimony at hearings, depositions, and trials
Assistance in the development of trial strategy
Preparation of trial exhibits to assist the judge or jury
Assistance with deposition and cross examination questions for the parties and opposing experts