Primary Services
Publicly traded and privately held companies of all sizes turn to AltaView for our insights, credibility, and expertise in fair value engagements.
AltaView offers the following financial reporting valuation services:
Purchase Price Allocations (ASC 805)
Stock-Based Compensation (ASC 718 / 409A)
Goodwill Impairment Testing (ASC 350)
Impairment Testing of Long-Lived Assets (ASC 360)
Fresh Start Accounting (ASC 852)
Portfolio Company Valuations
Intangible Asset Valuations
AltaView's team includes ASA and CFA designated professionals that are experts in current fair value requirements for businesses and intangible assets. Complying with financial reporting requirements can involve significant internal resources from executives, accounting teams, and equity sponsors, distracting them from growing their business. AltaView's unique approach to fair value assignments reduces the time commitment for internal resources. We streamline the valuation process by thoughtfully scoping each engagement, identifying complexities early on in the process, and working collaboratively with external auditors to build consensus on methodology and approaches at the onset of an engagement. The result: quicker turnaround times, reduced burden on management teams, and expedited audit reviews.